Monday, March 19, 2012

Help Learning Spelling Words

 I found a wonderful online resource to help children learn their spelling words for school.  I have two school age children in my house.  They are both excellent spellers, but who couldn't always use a little extra help and practice.  Some days it is difficult for me to get the time and how do I say it .....quietness in the house to be able to sit down and work on spelling words.  This is a great way to get the girls some extra practice.

This website offers different ways to learn and practice the spelling words through games, missing letters, tests, flash cards.  There is a membership fee if you choose to become a premium member for a family or a classroom, but there are PLENTY of games and things you can do without the membership.

Spelling City


If anyone else has found other sites or software that they enjoy for spelling please share it with us!

Thank you!

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