Monday, March 12, 2012

Daylight Savings Time!!

No one LIKES to lose an hour of sleep, but when you are a mother of young children you dread the spring forward even more!  Your angels are finally on a well scheduled routine.  Going to bed at 8:30 every night and waking at 7:30 like clockwork and then the time change steps in and ruins the entire routine!  DOH!  Thanks Benjamin Franklin!!

For some reason this year's Spring forward was just extra exciting this year.  It started out like every other year's daylight savings time day.  By that I mean waking a half  hour before church, jumping out of bed and running all over the house raising it to def con "GET YOUR BUTTS OUTTA BED WE'RE LATE" Red and throwing clothes on children who knows what sizes got put on who I'm just thankful the boys weren't wearing dresses to church!  Yeah that pretty much sums it up.

By some miracle we ALL managed to get dressed and we made it to church!  And before the Pastor entered for the service.  That is how we judge if we are late or not :oD We pulled up in our usual fashion. Ushering children out of the van as they disembark one at a time I begin to feel a bit like the Count on Sesame Street while I supervise the correct number leaving the car as to not leave anyone behind. (I am certain this is how my little ones have learned to count)  1.....2.......3......4.........................5......6 HA! HA! HA! (My Best Count-like voice)

After easing into the pew I breathe a sigh of relief feeling like yet another year of success battling the time change monster!  Church on time bright and early 7:30am technically now 8:30am still WEIRD!  Making it to church for early service extra Mom points!  So I gotta say I'm feeling pretty good about myself Sunday morning!  I guess as a Mom we should grab onto those moments, smile at them, and then wave as they pass by, because the only certainty in Mom World is that they will. Usually just as quickly as they appeared too.

Mine lasted until the end of service.  Everything proceeded along very well.  Mostly quiet children, sitting nicely in the pew coloring and whispering nicely to one another.  The little ones left for the nursery partially through the service, but in a fairly non disruptive manner with Dad.  The older ones had to be reminded to "shush"  a few times and to "listen" but all in all it was a great victory notch in my mom belt.  The final hymn, all was well, and singing with everyone while the little ones cleaned up their coloring supplies.  Last line of the hymn we are home free another great Sunday!  And the lights in the ENTIRE sanctuary go out.   Now I'm not quite sure why....perhaps instinctively my head snaps around and I see it.  Standing NEXT to the pretty black and green glowing buttons is Alex (my now four year old) with a wide eyed sheepish look that said "uh oh" the moment I looked at him.  I realized what he had done and could only shake my head and give him my look of disapproval.  But come on really?  Curiosity, youth, green glowing buttons at just the right height.  I really couldn't be too upset with him on this one.

Our Pastor, who oozes awesome, after walking out of the sanctuary in the usual fashion had managed to turn the lights back on and with a chuckle said "Everyone LOVES buttons!" Which of course elicited a great collective chuckle from the entire early morning congregation.

Well we rounded out this experience with a few teachable moments.  Alex and I talked about not touching the buttons again now that we knew it would turn off all the lights in the sanctuary and would not be a nice thing to do to everyone again.  We waited until our Pastor came in for coffee, and my brave little boy said he was "sorry"  I was so proud of him!  So lights back on, good laugh, lots of important lessons learned by all!

At the end of the day, I think daylight savings still REALLY messes with the time continuum of our family, but this year I'll still count it a success!!

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