Friday, March 23, 2012

Bible Stories

I had a real wake up call from God last week.  One of those moments that I am thankful that we attend church every Sunday, because honestly I had not thought of this myself.  We speak of God daily in our home, we pray and thank God for what he has blessed us with, we pray and ask God for help for ourselves and for others.  We attend church on Sundays, our daughters attend a Christian School. God is with us, around us, in us, a part of us each day!  So as a mom I feel that I am doing a good job teaching my children who God is and help them grow a relationship with him.  Well that was until last Sunday morning in church!!

During the children's sermon our Pastor asked the children if they had the bible memorized.  My overly confident and ambitious eight year old raised her hand and said YES!  HAHAHA I was a bit mortified but was proud that she felt she knew a lot of what was in the bible.

After service one of our fellow parishioners and I had a chance to say hello and exchange a few words.  He stated how wonderful he felt it was that she felt she knew so much of the bible.  I explained how they had bible lessons at school, at church and how much they were learning.  He looked at me and said "I thought you were going to say how much they were learning at home."

(mouth open, glazed look, and a huge DOH!!)  What in the WORLD has been in my head!! Why haven't we learned more at home?  Have I been teaching them?  I thought I have been doing right by them??  We have a bible book and have read it to them, but not reading the bible daily!!  Well consider me awoken with one kind well intended sentence! See this is just one of those instances of a message from God to mom, WAKE UP!!  I had a choice too!  To listen, or to make some excuses!  Too busy, they won't understand, they learn that at church and school, anything would fit here.  But those words hit me over the head and woke me in a way that I realized what an opportunity I was missing!!

So I made a decision!  Our family readings would be from the bible!  HOW FORTUITOUS TOO because for Christmas Grandma bought all of the girls a bible!  We read from my youngest daughters bible!  We read two lessons, talk about them, the older girls follow along in their bible and will read some things from their bible for the rest of us to hear.  We talk about it, ask the questions at the end of the lesson, and than when we are finished we pray together.

What a blessing this message was!  I still can't believe that I have been so lax and remiss in my responsibilities as a mom.  Sad face for that, but happy that God sent a messenger to me and I heard him loud and clear!!

I wish to share my wake up call with you and ask perhaps if you need to share in it with me?  Are you reading from the bible and teaching your children God's words?  Or like me are you leaving that up to your church, school, others or just honestly never even really thought of it?

It has been a very powerful and beautiful time together!  Not only are we getting a bedtime story together, but we are also speaking God's words and learning his lessons as a family!  Who knows what may come of that together or how that may grow in our lives, but I can tell you I am committed to it, and it will continue in this house!  We are an example that it is never too late to start!!  I encourage and invite you to do the same!!

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