Who doesn't LOVE popcorn! It has been brought to my recent attention the dangers and harmful chemicals contained in microwave popcorn.
Information and Sources:
Researchers at the University of Toronto reported that the chemicals lining junk food/fast food wrappers and microwaveable popcorn bags are leaking into your food (source). Dangerous chemicals such as perfluorinated carbocylic acids (PFCAs) or more specifically, Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), also known as C8 (a Teflon Chemical), line microwave popcorn bags and get in to your bloodstream from consuming the food inside the bag. PFCAs have been linked to cancer and other development problems in animals.
“According to Daily News Central “In a study published last month, Food and Drug Administration researchers said microwave popcorn bags alone could expose the public to ‘hundreds of times’ more C8 than normal use of nonstick cookware.” The C8 is then ingested by the people eating the popcorn.” (source)
“Maureen McFadden of WDNU reported on 5/3/06: “Recent tests found PFOA, which can be extracted from Fluorotelomer, does cause cancer in animals.” Scientist Glen Evers explains, “Even before we cook the popcorn, the butter is already contaminated with a paper flurochemical that will be absorbed into your blood and stay in your blood for a long, long time.” (source) info from thehealthyapron.com
I always believed that the FDA would keep things like this off of the shelves and who would ever put something harmful on consumer shelves to be eaten and harm people. The more information that is out there the more I am realizing how proactive parents and individuals MUST be!!
So why would this post be titled PASS THE POPCORN PLEASE?? Well I guess I thought I was being clever here. It actually has a double meaning because you CERTAINLY want to pass on microwave popcorn!! Anything that is putting chemicals like THAT into your diet is NOT welcome in my home!!
So does that mean we should pass on popcorn entirely. NO!!! Recent studies have come out sharing the AWESOMENESS of popcorn!! Claiming that those wonderful little kernels may even contain more antioxidants than fruit!!! WOAH Long study short the hulls of the popcorn (not the white fluffy stuff) contain between 242-363 milligrams per one-ounce serving. (By comparison, fruits like apples and pears often have about 160 milligrams of the antioxidants per ounce.) Overall, about 1.5 percent of popped corn is comprised of polyphenols, according to TIME Healthland Read more on this at Popcorn Facts
So is it back to the ole air poppers? Too many appliances, not enough room in my kitchen!
REMEMBER I try to keep things super simple, quick, and healthful for my growing family! So if you have an air popper go for it, but this is what my family reaches for!!
Grab a lunch bag, put in a scoop of popcorn kernels, fold top flap down and seal with a piece of tape, place in the microwave and microwave until you only hear a few pops per second, (our microwave has a popcorn setting we use) pull it out and take a sniff no need to worry about chemicals! SERVE IT UP to your family and PASS THE POPCORN PLEASE!!
This is an AWESOME snack for the kiddos after school, while watching a movie, or whenever!! LOVE IT!!
***UPDATE** Another option is your stove top!! Heat some oil in a pot (works best if there is a handle don't use a teflon pan, sorta defeats the purpose :oD) and pop in some of your kernels, place the lid on (clear lids are the most fun!). Once they start popping shake the pan back and forth to prevent burning and watch your popcorn pop!