So I have been mixing up batches of these babies for the kiddos to enjoy with dinner. It has been so much fun sharing this drink with the kiddos. It is amazing how a single smell or taste can time warp you back into childhood. This recipe does that for me! I remember a time with my parents walking through Southwyck mall eating a hot pretzel, sipping on an Orange Julius, and enjoying the lighted fountains, possibly even being lucky enough to throw a few pennies in! I have tried for years to get this recipe figured out, and I think it's pretty close! You be the judge!
Orange Juice (of course!)
Powdered Sugar
Meringue Powder
So I totally loathe measuring anything! So change these measurements however you would like add more or less of a favorite ingredient, it's your Julius! But for recipe purposes this is as close to measuring as I will ever come if I can help it :oD
In your blender fill the bottom with ice, about a cup-cup and a half, add more if you wish!
Pour in about a two cups or so of milk (whatever you have will do 1%,2% whatever is on hand)
Add Orange Juice fill blender no more than 3/4 of the way full, this will get frothy and needs the extra room
2 Teaspoons of Vanilla
3/4 Cup of Powdered Sugar
1/8 Cup of Meringue Powder
Put the lid on tight and mix all of this up on high for a few minutes. Allow time for all of the ice to crush and for it to get frothy. You can also add some frozen strawberries and banana! This will get nice an foamy, but remember if you don't drink right away it will separate after a bit.
*TIP* The Meringue Powder can be found at Walmart, Hobby Lobby or anywhere they sell cake products. You can buy a small container for $4.98 at Walmart or a Large for $14.98. They sell this by the cake decorating supplies it is in a canister and is made by Wilton. I have also heard of people using vanilla pudding mix, but I have not given that a try. Orange Julius used their own concoction of powdered egg whites, milk, sugar, and preservatives. The Meringue Powder is pretty close minus the powdered milk, that is why I add milk to it. Some people also use a frozen orange juice concentrate in their recipes. I prefer the KISS method to recipes......Keep It Simple Silly (polite) The less ingredients and simpler the better in this house! So experiment and enjoy!!
Let me know how you like it!!
Okay an update on this! While down in Columbus I was LUCKY enough to find a DQ/Orange Julius and stopped to give one a try and compare my recipe! I was totally AMAZED! After tasting theirs mine recipe was SO much better!! They taste EXACTLY the same accept for one HUGE difference! They CLEARLY watered theirs down!! They added water to stretch the ingredients and it was not nearly as yummy! Otherwise this recipe is SPOT ON!! Give it a try and let me know what you think!!