I grew up like most girls , watching the Disney fairy tales where the handsome prince rides in and sweeps the princess off her feet and they live happily ever after. I found my prince, I had the wedding, and the happily ever after was on its way in 9 months! I prepped myself with all of the "right" pregnancy books, and as many parenting books I could read. I read about breastfeeding, co sleeping, natural child birth, bonding, attachment parenting, my brain was a walking library! I was DETERMINED to be the absolute best mom that I could and to do EVERYTHING "right". I WAS going to be this perfect combination of June Clever, Carol Brady, Mary Poppins, Martha Stewart, Cinderella, AND Cindy Crawford!
Yes I know what you are thinking real life isn't a Disney film right, well cut me a little slack I was 23 and of course could do anything! When did reality strike? Thinking back the most standout moment was on my 23rd birthday. We had just moved, new baby, new job, new state. My perfect little angel had spent the entire night nursing and I got up early exhausted yet determined to TRY and get some cleaning done. I ended up working all day while my hubby was at work. Determined to fit this image I had created I had to have the house cleaned, the baby happy, and dinner ready when he came home! I worked all day vacuuming, scouring, wiping, picking up, I WAS doing it!! Exhausted seems to fall short of what I was, ready to pass out standing up, but pleased with what I had accomplished my hubby arrived home to take me out for my birthday. On our real world budget that meant walk around the mall and having a hot pretzel, but of course I was just thankful to get some time out of the house! I may have caught a quick nap in the car, but I recall having a wonderful time! We came back home tired, but with a smile and a light-heartedness knowing I was returning to a clean home. When we opened the door a horrible STENCH enveloped us! As we entered I could see speckles all over the carpet. (oh by the way I forgot in my list of new to include our new PUPPY! Yeah you know the Bradys had Tiger ) So this perfect new puppy of ours decided that it would be a good idea to make a snack out of our perfect cat's litter box! Evidently dining in wasn't enough for this tiny pooch and he decided to take his snack to go.......ALL OVER the carpet!! All I can remember from that point was a lot of crying, vacuuming stinky cat poo, more crying, brushing the dogs teeth, more crying, and thinking that my life at 23 was over and perhaps that DA#! Dog's would be too if I got a hold of him!!!
I realize now that I was mourning loss. The loss of who I was, and the loss of who I thought I was supposed to be.
Fast forward to the present, I still have days like this. I have moments of success, moments of joy, moments of fun, and moments I would like to forget! I am a Real mom and I do CRAZY! If you would believe my family I AM crazy! I do dance parties, I do play doh, I do forts in the living room, I do laundry, I do time outs, I do a bazillion diaper changes, do overs, apologies, spill wipes, mistakes, and all of the messy CRAZINESS that is being a mom! I just do it now with the knowledge that these precious moments in our life are fleeting that I should cherish ALL of those moments good, bad, and in between, because one day our home will be quiet and I will miss it!
So for all of those Real Moms out there that do CRAZY too I decided to start a Real Moms blog where I can share my experiences, recipes, family fun, and just real things. No Super Mom complexes here because who needs MORE pressure and things to try and live up to!! This is for Real Moms and Dads too that know that Martha Stewart has an ENTIRE staff to do that stuff, and clearly June Clever was an alien, and Carol Brady secretly HAD to of been on Prozac to stay that calm in that house (at the very least the writers had to of been)!! Life is real, and messy, and crazy, and we all do "the best we can with what we have, and where we are at!"
So welcome Real Moms (and Dads!!) who Do CRAZY!! :oD