Friday, January 27, 2012

The Definition Of CRAZY!

While contemplating the "title" of my blog I was faced with a few challenges.  First I had to figure out what I wanted to share with everyone, and second I had to figure out just how to say it!  A common occurrence for me, whatever the reason I often find myself tongue tied or in this case I guess you would call it writers block.  Feeling certain, confident, and clear in my mind, but garbled, jumbled, and confusing on paper.  This of course brings forth the question of weather my thoughts are indeed option A or (the less favorable of the two) option B!

Having never "blogged" before I find the whole process enlightening and liberating!  A small space to make the statement "THIS IS WHO I AM AND WHAT I AM ABOUT!" It is defining, enlightening, and liberating for someone who spends their every waking, and YES even sometimes sleeping, moments caring for others!

When choosing the title "A Crazy Momz Blog"  of course I was faced with the TRUE definition of crazy.  Is it BAD to be crazy?  What exactly does it mean to be crazy?  I have always seen crazy with a fork in the road.  To the right you have the "bad" definition of crazy which involved mental hospitals, insanity, and a snug fitting white jacket. To the left you have the "good" definition of crazy which involves individuality, excitement, and an eccentricity that others admire!

My quest for the truth of course led me to the CLEAR and convincing resource of what crazy is.....yes none other then the dictionary! Where I found this:

 cra·zy  (krz)adj. cra·zi·er, cra·zi·est
1. Affected with madness; insane.
2. Informal Departing from proportion or moderation, especially:
a. Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: The crowd at the game went crazy.
b. Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys.
c. Intensely involved or preoccupied: is crazy about cars and racing.

Ignoring option 1 and skipping over to option 2 I don't perceive being crazy as a bad thing!  I mean what mom shouldn't be "Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement" or "immoderately fond" and "Intensely involved".  I've honestly never thought it an insult being called crazy, but upon further investigation I have a clearer awareness and understanding of what crazy genuinely involves, and now I count it a compliment.

I am possessed by enthusiasm and excitement, immoderately fond, and infatuated, as well as intensely involved with my children and family!  I AM a CRAZY MOM and super proud of it!!

Are there any other crazy Momz out there?  If so the next time someone tells you that you are crazy I encourage you to respond  with a smile and sincere  "Thank You!" 

RAINBOW Cupcakes

One of our family traditions is to allow the birthday girl or boy to choose a treat to take for their special "birthday treat"  for school, Sunday school, and dance class.  (what can I say we are overachievers)  My second daughter is turning 8 this weekend and had decided on cupcakes.  Well she decided she would ask everyone around her what their favorite color was to help her decide what color cupcakes she would choose.  She took her little note pad everywhere with her.  For a week she was polling anyone she could ask.  At the end of it all she realized there were A LOT of different colors, and A LOT of different colors people liked!  So the sweet-hearted little girl decided on rainbow cupcakes. "That way EVERYONE will have their favorite color!"  :oD

I am all for nourishing anything in my children where they are thinking of others, so off I went to the store to pick up rainbow cupcakes ingredients!!  It is a little extra work, but the results are MAGIC and oh so worth the extra time and love!

Start by making your favorite vanilla cake recipe.  Out of a box or scratch either one works!  Next decide how many colors your rainbow cake or cupcakes will have!  I chose 4 colors purple, blue, yellow, and red. It turned out very nicely.  You could pretty easily add green for the cupcakes and if you are really ambitious orange, but with the 4 I chose they filled the cupcake papers pretty quickly.

I used Ziplock bags to make this as mess free as possible.  This is a two person job.  I enlisted the hubby to hold the bags as I filled.  I eyeballed the cake batter, but you could of course measure it if you were so inclined.  Pour it into your Ziplock bags, and add the food coloring into each bag.  Close em up and enlist the kiddos to help squish and mix the batter.  Best to do this up at the table and encourage them not to get TOO enthusiastic about the mooshing.  Bags held together very well for us, happy to report no messes on this step!

Prep your cake pan or cupcake cups.  I like to spray them a tiny bit before I add the batter.  Start with your bottom most color.  Cut the tip off, be careful not to cut too much off of the tip.  You can always cut more, but not less.  Squeeze a drop of batter in each cupcake paper (for cake pans just add more)  I used the Ziplock bag like a pastry bag, and used a finger on my other hand to help stop the flow in between cupcakes papers.  (I am sure this could be done with bowls as well, and spooning in the batter you could try that as well) Repeat this step with each of your colors, if you run out of one color just skip it in some of the cupcakes, they turn out cute even without ALL of the colors :oD

It's that simple!  Bake, frost, and enjoy!  They come out of the oven like magic and are a big hit for the kiddos!

*TIP* I usually spoon out some of the batter into a few cupcake papers BEFORE I dye all of it.  I like to have a few dye free as a just in case for the kiddos with dietary restrictions for food dyes.

*TIP*  Here are a few cool links for you on Rainbow cakes to help inspire you!
Family Fun
Twig and Thistle
Playing House

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lunch Boxes

Easy Lunchboxes
Every year while school shopping we are faced with the great task of choosing  a back pack and a lunch box.  Thus far I have gone for the color coordinated lunch box to match the back pack.  I have even gone with the cooler lunch bag that you place in the freezer to keep the food cold.  I have always ran into the same problems.

Not enough room in the bag for the food, tips and spills, too many containers.  I usually end up purchasing prepackaged foods.  Gogurt, pre-packaged fruit, juice box, crackers, dessert, Crustables, Lunchables, ect.

I am not a fan of prepackaged foods.  I much prefer to make it myself that way I know what ingredients are included and I there aren't any preservatives and "extras" that I don't know about.  I was STUCK in a Packed Lunch RUT!

While cruising around Pinterest (yeah I'm addicted)  I found some AWESOME links to lunch ideas.  That was all I needed to get my lunch creativity flowing again!  After looking at many options and websites I decided on the Easy Lunchboxes.  LOVING the idea and eager to give it a try.

Ordering was super easy (ordered one click through Amazon AWESOME!)  It was at my door in a few short days!  I ordered a lunch bag and accompanying 4 containers ($21)  VERY reasonable!

I am LOVING it!  Three of the containers fit in the lunch box cooler!  I am able to pack ONE container for their snack time, Two containers for lunch! AWESOME!  The containers are a GREAT size, and I am packing some WONDERFUL lunches!  I lOVE the variety I am able to pack in their lunches and snacks and how FULL of nutritious options I can make it for them!

Along with the lunch bags I also ordered a package of tiny food cutters (flower shapes)  for fun!

YES it is taking me a little longer to make their lunches, but I am doing it the night before and I am enjoying it so much!  I enjoy it knowing it is a special treat from home that they get to open and enjoy during their day!  I am so excited to share this!!

Here are a few "lunch links" to inspire you as well.

Easy Lunchboxes
Another Lunch
Eighteen 25
Crafty Food
Family Fun
MeetThe Dubiens
 Super Healthy Kids

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup

Honestly I cannot think of a more perfect food!  This one is an absolute family favorite!  My children GOBBLE this up, and the hubby and I love it too!!  Super easy, super delicious, and packed with veggies and love!

Chicken Broth
Olive Oil
Bok Choy (optional)
Salt & Pepper
Parsley (optional)

Start by dicing up the celery, carrots, onion, and garlic.  Heat olive oil medium heat in your soup pot.  Once warmed add celery, carrots, onion, and garlic to pot.  Stir occasionally about 3-5 minutes. Add chicken broth, noodles, and chicken.  Bring to low boil and cook until chicken is cooked, this will depend on the size of your chicken  about 5-7.  Chicken doesn't need to be completely cooked through as it will continue to cook once diced. Remove chicken and allow to cool for a few minute while noodles finish cooking.  At this time add in Parsley, and Bok Choy, Rosemary, Salt and Pepper to taste.  Dice chicken and add to pot.  YUM!!

Sometimes I make this without the chicken.  The Bok choy and parsley add some greens to this, and my kiddos love it!!  I call that a BIG WIN!! 

*TIP* I like to use wheat noodles (no yolks)  I also like to use fresh rosemary. This keeps in the refrigerator for quite a while.  You could also use oregano  I didn't put quantities, because it doesn't matter much.  It's your soup, make it to your liking.  I use a large stock pot and use four large cartons of chicken stock the rest of the ingredients I use whatever I have on hand.  You could also use kale in this recipe! To make this easier you could use a rotisserie chicken, or canned shredded chicken.  This recipe is awesome and super easy!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Permanent Markers NOT So Permanent

So I found this out by necessity. One of my little angels decided it would be a good idea to "decorate" our computer hutch with a permanent marker drawing.  I'm not quite certain who did it, because the culprit/artist did not sign their work. Then of course there is the question "HOW IN THE WORLD did they get a hold of a permanent marker?"  Good question, to which I honestly do not have an answer for.  I'm convinced they manufactured it themselves, because I never did find the offending marker.

Did you know that permanent marker ACTUALLY ISN'T permanent!  Honestly this "artwork" has been on our computer hutch for a good 6 months.  I tried a myriad of tools and chemicals, Magic Eraser, Windex, Soft Scrub, Clorox Wipes, to no avail.  It looked as though this doodle was here to stay!  Until I happened across the answer!  I am PROUD to say the doodle didn't stand a chance, I have declared VICTORY over the doodle!

The SECRET!!  An Eraser!  HA!  Yeah a plane Jane regular pencil eraser!  I scoured the girls school box at home and came across some pencil topper erasers.  It took a little elbow grease, but after I erased around it a few times, I wiped it clean with a Clorox Wipe and VOILA!  Any leftover spots I just went back over with the eraser and wiped again.

Give IT A TRY!!  It is MAGIC!! Does anyone else have a doodler in the house?

*TIP*  Try a few different erasers.  I tried a few different ones to see if they all worked.  A few of the erasers on the pencils did not.  The pink gummy erasers worked very well as did the white erasers!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Strawberry Banana Julius

Strawberry Banana Julius

So this is my second take on this recipe.  My family prefers this one as opposed to the original recipe.  I'm a minimalist on this one and I prefer the original.  But I say it's a win because this one is packed with fruit.

So again I don't measure, and neither should you, because who really has the time,  but this is as close as I get!!

Ingredients you will need:
Orange Juice
Strawberries (I use frozen)
Powdered Sugar
Meringue Powder

In the blender pour in a hand full of ice (about a cup), Add in two bananas, a hand full of strawberries (about 6, Yeah I have big hands LOL), Pour in some orange juice (about a cup full), Fill 3/4 of the way up with milk, Add 3/4c powdered sugar (more or less up to you :oD)  Add 2-3 TBSP of Meringue Powder.  Mix on high until well blended and ENJOY!!

*TIP* Same thing as the Orange Julius recipe the Meringue powder can be found in the Wilton Cake aisles at Walmart, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, etc.

I also freeze the bananas.  Just pop em in the freezer, the peel will turn brown but the fruit is perfect!

The Strawberries if you are super ambitious you can freeze your own, OR  check out the freezer section.  I bought a bag of frozen strawberries at Walmart, AWESOME!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Orange Julius Recipe

So I have been mixing up batches of these babies for the kiddos to enjoy with dinner.   It has been so much fun sharing this drink with the kiddos.  It is amazing how a single smell or taste can time warp you back into childhood.  This recipe does that for me!  I remember a time with my parents walking through Southwyck mall eating a hot pretzel, sipping on an Orange Julius, and enjoying the lighted fountains, possibly even being lucky enough to throw a few pennies in!  I have tried for years to get this recipe figured out, and I think it's pretty close!  You be the judge!

Orange Juice (of course!)
Powdered Sugar
Meringue Powder

So I totally loathe measuring anything! So change these measurements however you would like add more or less of a favorite ingredient, it's your Julius!  But for recipe purposes this is as close to measuring as I will ever come if I can help it :oD

In your blender  fill the bottom with ice, about a cup-cup and a half, add more if you wish!
Pour in about a two cups or so of milk (whatever you have will do 1%,2% whatever is on hand)

Add Orange Juice fill blender no more than 3/4 of the way full, this will get frothy and needs the extra room

2 Teaspoons of Vanilla

3/4 Cup of Powdered Sugar

1/8 Cup of Meringue Powder

Put the lid on tight and mix all of this up on high for a few minutes.  Allow time for all of the ice to crush and for it to get frothy.  You can also add some frozen strawberries and banana!  This will get nice an foamy, but remember if you don't drink right away it will separate after a bit. 

*TIP* The Meringue Powder can be found at Walmart, Hobby Lobby or anywhere they sell cake products.  You can buy a small container for $4.98 at Walmart or a Large for $14.98. They sell this by the cake decorating supplies it is in a canister and is made by Wilton.   I have also heard of people using vanilla pudding mix, but I have not given that a try.  Orange Julius used their own concoction of powdered egg whites, milk, sugar, and preservatives.  The Meringue Powder is pretty close minus the powdered milk, that is why I add milk to it.  Some people also use a frozen orange juice concentrate in their recipes.  I prefer the KISS method to recipes......Keep It Simple Silly (polite)  The less ingredients and simpler the better in this house!  So experiment and enjoy!!

Let me know how you like it!!


Real Moms Do CRAZY!

I grew up like most girls , watching the Disney fairy tales where the handsome prince rides in and sweeps the princess off her feet and they live happily ever after.  I found my prince, I had the wedding, and the happily ever after was on its way in 9 months!  I prepped myself with all of the "right" pregnancy books, and as many parenting books I could read. I read about breastfeeding, co sleeping, natural child birth, bonding, attachment parenting, my brain was a walking library! I was DETERMINED to be the absolute best mom that I could and to do EVERYTHING "right".  I WAS going to be this perfect combination of June Clever, Carol Brady, Mary Poppins, Martha Stewart, Cinderella, AND Cindy Crawford!

Yes I know what you are thinking real life isn't a Disney film right, well cut me a little slack I was 23 and of course could do anything! When did reality strike?  Thinking back the most standout moment was on my 23rd birthday.  We had just moved, new baby, new job, new state.  My perfect little angel had spent the entire night nursing and I got up early exhausted yet determined to TRY and get some cleaning done.  I ended up working all day while my hubby was at work.  Determined to fit this image I had created I had to have the house cleaned, the baby happy, and dinner ready when he came home!  I worked all day vacuuming, scouring, wiping, picking up, I WAS doing it!! Exhausted seems to fall short of what I was, ready to pass out standing up, but pleased with what I had accomplished my hubby arrived home to take me out for my birthday.  On our real world budget that meant walk around the mall and having a hot pretzel, but of course I was just thankful to get some time out of the house! I may have caught a quick nap in the car, but I recall having a wonderful time!  We came back home tired, but with a smile and a light-heartedness  knowing I was returning to a clean home.  When we opened the door a horrible STENCH enveloped us!  As we entered I could see speckles all over the carpet.  (oh by the way I forgot in my list of new to include our new PUPPY!  Yeah you know the Bradys had Tiger )  So this perfect new puppy of ours decided that it would be a good idea to make a snack out of our perfect cat's litter box!  Evidently dining in wasn't enough for this tiny pooch and he decided to take his snack to go.......ALL OVER the carpet!!  All I can remember from that point was a lot of crying, vacuuming stinky cat poo, more crying, brushing the dogs teeth, more crying,  and thinking that my life at 23 was over and perhaps that DA#! Dog's would be too if I got a hold of him!!! 

I realize now that I was mourning loss.  The loss of who I was, and the loss of who I thought I was supposed to be. 

Fast forward to the present, I still have days like this.  I have moments of success, moments of joy, moments of fun, and moments I would like to forget!  I am a Real mom and I do CRAZY! If you would believe my family I AM crazy! I do dance parties, I do play doh, I do forts in the living room, I do laundry, I do time outs, I do a bazillion diaper changes, do overs, apologies, spill wipes, mistakes, and all of the messy CRAZINESS that is being a mom!  I just do it now with the knowledge that these precious moments in our life are fleeting that I should cherish ALL of those moments good, bad, and in between, because one day our home will be quiet and I will miss it! 

So for all of those Real Moms out there that do CRAZY too I decided to start a Real Moms blog where I can share my experiences, recipes, family fun, and just real things.  No Super Mom complexes here because who needs MORE pressure and things to try and live up to!!  This is for Real Moms and Dads too that know that Martha Stewart has an ENTIRE staff to do that stuff, and clearly June Clever was an alien, and Carol Brady secretly HAD to of been on Prozac to stay that calm in that house (at the very least the writers had to of been)!! Life is real, and messy, and crazy, and we all do "the best we can with what we have, and where we are at!" 

So welcome Real Moms (and Dads!!) who Do CRAZY!! :oD